Having configured Integrations with your mailboxes and mail controls, every delivr.to campaign you send will provide rich detail into the emails that made it to your inbox, the state in which they arrived, and the assessment of them as they travel through each stage of your mail stack.

Answering the what now?, your recommendations section is a dynamically-generated list of additional security controls you may wish to consider implementing.

Recommendations are ordered first by the potential impact they could have on your security posture, and then by the effort they typically take to implement. This effort is based on delivr.to’s experience helping other organisations improve their email security, and will naturally vary slightly depending on your organisation’s size & complexity.

Informational recommendations are also provided for downstream technical controls that aren’t necessarily directly related to email security, but would likely make the end to end attack chain more difficult to achieve. Given delivr.to doesn’t have access to your endpoints, feel free to disregard any that aren’t appropriate for your environment!

An exhaustive list of the recommendations available to customers can be seen below.

If there’s a recommendation you’d like to see added to the platform, contact us!


Impact to Security Posture: high High Impact
Impact to Security Posture: medium Medium Impact
Impact to Security Posture: medium Low Impact
Informational Informational
High Effort
Medium Effort
Low Effort


Name Impact to Security Posture Effort to Implement
Enable URL Rewriting Impact to Security Posture: high
Enable URL Sandboxing Impact to Security Posture: high
Block Unwanted File Types Impact to Security Posture: high
Block Password-Protected Attachments Impact to Security Posture: medium
Change Default App Associations Informational
Apply Security Patches Informational
Restrict Office Macros Informational
Harden PowerShell Informational
Disable the WebDAV Protocol Informational
Block Outbound SMB Traffic Informational