The Audit Log is an Enterprise feature that allows team administrators to view activity within their team, and can be found under the Audit section of the Team page. Non-admins can only view their own activity.

The following events are currently available:

Category Type Action
  CHANGE_PASSWORD Password Change
Campaign SEND_CAMPAIGN Campaign Sent
  SCHEDULE_CAMPAIGN Campaign Scheduled
  DELETE_CAMPAIGN Campaign Deleted
  UPDATE_EMAIL_RESULT Campaign Email Result Updated
  UPDATE_CAMPAIGN_RESULTS Campaign Email Results Uploaded
  UPDATE_CAMPAIGN_REPEAT Repeating Campaign Updated
Template NEW_TEMPLATE Template Created
  UPDATE_TEMPLATE Template Updated
  DELETE_TEMPLATE Template Deleted
Payload NEW_PAYLOAD Payload Created
  DELETE_PAYLOAD Payload Deleted
  UPDATE_PAYLOAD Payload Updated
  PAYLOAD_DOWNLOAD Payload Downloaded
Integration NEW_INTEGRATION Integrated Created
  DELETE_INTEGRATION Integration Deleted
Validated Email NEW_VALIDATED_EMAIL Validated Email Added
  DELETE_VALIDATED_EMAIL Validated Email Deleted
Webhook WEBHOOKS_CONFIGURED Webhooks Configuration Updated
Team Invite Code TEAM_INVITE_CODE_ENABLED Team Invite Code Enabled
  TEAM_INVITE_CODE_DISABLED Team Invite Code Disabled
  TEAM_INVITE_CODE_REFRESHED New Invite Code Generated
  TEAM_JOINING_REQUEST_SENT Team Joining Request Sent
Team Reporting Mailbox TEAM_REPORTING_MAILBOX_UPDATED Team Reporting Mailbox Updated
  TEAM_REPORTING_MAILBOX_ENABLED Team Reporting Mailbox Enabled
  TEAM_REPORTING_MAILBOX_DISABLED Team Reporting Mailbox Disabled
Team Member NEW_TEAM_MEMBER New Team Member Added
  DELETE_TEAM_MEMBER Team Member Removed
  UPDATE_TEAM_MEMBER Team Member Role Updated
  APPROVE_TEAM_MEMBER_INVITE Team Member Invite Accepted
  REJECT_TEAM_MEMBER_INVITE Team Member Invite Rejected

Searching the audit log

The audit log can be filtered using the input box below the table. The filter is applied across all the visible columns, with the exception of Further Info. To clear the filter, simply remove the text from the input box.

Filter Audit Log

Viewing the raw event

By default, the table displays a summary of the event. The raw JSON event can be viewed by clicking the View Raw Event icon in the Further Info column.

View Raw Event